My focus

Levelling-up your leadership & life.
Enhancing your communication &
Bringing love & laughter into leadership & life.

My experience

15+ years in Personal Development, Coaching & Consulting.

My approach

Open. Caring. Direct (I will call you on your bullshit).

My principles

Curiosity. Compassion. Connection. Consistency.

My values

Care. Creativity. Contribution. Wellbeing.

My life

Journeyer. Neophile. Philomath. Minimalist. Documentary-lover. Vegan. DJ.

My story (briefly)

In my early years, I grappled with a lack of confidence and low self-esteem, compounded by a total lack of emotional support. This led to a decade of depression and mental health challenges. During this period, I became a consummate people pleaser, valuing others’ opinions over my own needs. My pursuit of external validation came at the expense of personal happiness and self-fulfilment.

Through continued deep personal work, I transformed my own mental health struggles and lack of confidence into an empowering methodology for strengthening communication and relationships. By integrating psychology, positive psychology, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and coaching, I have created a unique methodology that has helped over 5,000 leaders and individuals across 20 countries level-up their confidence, self-belief and communication to create happier, more engaged, workplace cultures as well as more fulfilling personal and professional relationships.

Every day, I try to make at least 1 person smile.decade

My methodology

My unique synthesis of academic models, emotional intelligence, communication skills and personal insight will help you to show up authentically and 10x the quality of your communication and your relationships. 

I will equip you with the mindset, emotional tools and interpersonal abilities you need to bring out the best in yourself and others. We will include the pillars of play, purpose, positivity, potential and psychological safety.

I specialise in empowering executives and individuals to enhance their relationships through skilled communication. My coaching sharpens leadership communication to inspire cultural change and deepens personal interactions for more meaningful connections.